Minerals & More Liquid Fertilizer (2.5 gal) 2 per box
Minerals & More Liquid Fertilizer promotes vigorous growth, both above and below ground, developing vital plants with more roots, strong stems, tight internodes, dark green leaves....and ultimately, abundant buds, blooms and fruit. It is shelf stable with no glug in the jug. It does not plug spray nozzles.
Minerals and more is prepared in relatively small batches, with plant happy intent infused into each gallon. Large factories cannot do this, and it is important to this product. Why are home made cookies so much better than factory made cookies? Intent is important. Why do ten bakers given the same recipe and ingredients, end up with ten different cookies....some good, some better, some great? It is intention.
There is more to Minerals & More than the label explains. Try it to discover the "more".